Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Mise En Scene Plan

  • Myself
  • Olivia Brock
I have decided to use 2 female actors to feature in my music video because i feel it gives a better feminine power to the song. In the real production of the song 'Stay' By artist Rihanna, it features a male singer/actor and Rihanna herself. I felt going against there original product by using 2 females to show that audiences can receive the same reaction from the song.

  • City/river landscape

  • Woods

My choice of location depended on the genre of the song which was quite slow and emotional. I felt using an empty wood space would help to increase the intensity of emotion in the song. I also felt to use the city and river scenes to enhance the location of Bristol and to also show more to just one scene.

  • Dress to impress- High heels, Shirts, dresses skirts etc. To make the artists look attractive for audiences especially for male majority. It also makes the female artists look powerful and in control because of how they flaunt and represent themselves in their genre.
  • Tripod
  • Cameras (more than 1 for back-up)
  • Costumes
  • Recorded song for timing of lip singing