Monday, 24 December 2012

Magazine Advertisement

Designing this magazine advertisement, I added certain things that are used on most advertisements for albums to be able to make it look realistic and efficient. I used aspects such as a iTunes download symbol, logos in the left hand bottom corner to make it look legit and link to a record label, I also created a website name to make it look as though that’s the bands real website. I used Photoshop to create this magazine advertisement.

Monday, 3 December 2012

CD cover

Final CD cover

Other edited ideas

This is my final design for my CD cover. To make it look realistic and professional, I added certain aspects of an average CD cover such as the parental advisory sign, and award sticker, a barcode on the back and also the text about rights and copyright laws. I consciously made a colour theme of red, black and white, which I’ve carried out through all of my 3 products.